Retention Ponds
Retention ponds benefit the members of MLMA in a variety of ways. This includes minimizing erosion, preventing flooding during heavy rain, improving water quality, increased biodiversity, providing wildlife habitats, and aesthetic appeal.
*There is no fishing, swimming, or any activities allowed in or on the ponds*
Dredging Projects
Why is dredging necessary?
Over time sediment and other pollutants build up at the bottom of the ponds. These negatively affect the health of the water and its inhabitants. The benefits of dredging include:
Restores appropriate pond depth
Restores healthy aquatic ecosystem
Reduces harmful algae
Improves the visual appearance of the water
Dredging History
Pond A: Dredged in 2022
Pond D/E: Spot dredge scheduled for 2023
Have often should ponds be dredged?
Depending on various factors best determined by the experts, ponds are usually dredged about every 25 years.
Dredging is a planned reserve expense.
What happens to wildlife during the dredging process?
Va Water and Wetlands, our pond dredging partner, has provided the following statement concerning the removal and handling of wildlife.
"All efforts will be made to minimize impacts to aquatic life. Potential issues arise to the wildlife during the dewatering phase of the dredge plan. The pond will be inspected to determine if aquatic life such as reptiles or amphibians require moving. Fortunately, most terrestrial animals can and will leave when humans approach. If necessary, animals left will be moved by hand directly downstream of the project area. Fish are typically moved by hand via buckets directly downstream of the pond during the dewatering phase. The health of the fish are monitored by close supervision of the water quality and maintaining a dissolved oxygen level greater than 4 mg/l, per the regulations established in Virginia Code 9VAC25-260-50."